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Tajikistan National Mine Action Center    
Ayni 121     
Dushanbe, Tajikistan,   

Tel/Fax: (992 37) 227-0947,

How to Join Us

How to join us

All vacancies in TMAC are published on the website of UNDP Tajikistan

Besides usual vacancies, the Tajikistan Mine Action Programme (TMAP) is interested in expanding its network by involving more individuals from various backgrounds, who are interested in carrying out mine action related activities, including research that would help the programme to be more efficient and effective. The programme welcomes interest from potential interns or volunteers with educational backgrounds from Bachelor, Master or PhD levels, who would be prepared to join us on a non-remuneration basis.

Individuals, development partners, universities or NGOs, whether national or international, interested in contributing to mine action will be very much appreciated. The TMAP appreciates donors for financial, technical, or in-kind support to the programme. 
Please contact us through our contact form.

What is TMAC?

The Tajikistan Mine Action Center coordinates all mine action related projects in the country in order to ensure Tajikistan’s compliance with the requirements under the Ottawa treaty, which was ratified by Tajikistan in 1999. (.....)

What we do?

The legal framework for the Tajikistan mine action programme rests on the following instruments: the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production, and Transfer of Anti-Personnel (AP) Mines and on their Destruction from 18th of September 1997 (the Ottawa Convention) and the Protocols II and V to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) (.....)

How to join us

All vacancies in TMAC are published on the website of UNDP Tajikistan.

Besides usual vacancies, the Tajikistan Mine Action Programme (TMAP) is interested in expanding its network by involving more individuals from various backgrounds, who are interested in carrying out mine action related activities. (.....)